Configure the Items in a Group Template

When you add items to a Group Template, you need to configure those items, as you would items in a ‘normal’ Group. You need to take into account that much of the configuration will be replicated automatically in the Group Instances that reference the Template.

Some features that you configure on Forms can be enabled or disabled (for example, the use of PSTN fallback on a direct outstation). When enabled, further fields may become available for use.

Some features that you configure on Forms are optional (for example, the type of connection that a channel uses). Optional features typically display a list of options—the option that you select often determines the fields that are displayed for the feature.

On the configuration Form of each item in a Group Template you need to:

You can then Define which Property Values Derive from a Group Template and which properties can be specified locally in each Group Instance.

If you include any Abstract Items in your Group Template, you will only be able to configure the ‘base’ properties for those items in the Template. Once you have added Group Instances to your system, you can convert the Abstract Items into the required type of point or outstation, within each Instance (see Convert an Abstract Item into a ‘Real’ Point or Outstation).

For information on configuring database items, see the relevant configuration section.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021