Importing New Database Items

Importing database items into a Geo SCADA Expert allows you to replicate or restore a database quickly. You can create a template configuration on one Geo SCADA Expert system and then duplicate that configuration on another. You can also import new database items into an existing database, if there is not an identically named item in the database into which the export file is being imported, that part of the imported configuration is appended to the existing configuration.


A Geo SCADA Expert export file contains the configuration for a Group named Area 3. The Group contains three DNP3 Analog Input points, named AI Point 1, AI Point 2, and AI Point 3. The export file is imported into another Geo SCADA Expert database, also with a Group named Area 3. This existing Group contains only two analog points, AI Point 1, and AI Point 2. During the import process, the configuration of AI Point 1 and AI Point 2 is replaced by the configuration from the export file. In addition, the analog point AI Point 3 is added to the Area 3 Group.

If an item that you have imported contains invalid configuration, Geo SCADA Expert generates a diagnostic message that gives details of the affected properties. Make the necessary changes to the configuration (see Correcting Invalid Configuration).

For the restrictions that apply to importing a Group Instance, see Limitations and Restrictions.

Further Information

The impact of the Exclude From Exclusive Control setting on a Group, Group Template, or Group Instance when adding, copying, or importing database items into that Group, Group Template, or Group Instance: see Copying Database Items when using the Exclusive Control Feature.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021