Limitations and Restrictions

You can include any item in a Group Template, except the following:

If need be, you can Optionally Add Items Directly into a Group Instance. However, you need to be aware of the following:

If need be, you can optionally nest a Group Instance inside a Group Template. However, be aware of the following:

Geo SCADA Expert supports Incremental Import. If you use the Import menu option to import configuration from one Geo SCADA Expert database to another, be aware of the following:

Should you make changes to a Group Template which has Group Instances that reference it, Geo SCADA Expert will automatically propagate the changes to each of those Group Instances. With Group Templates that are referenced by fewer than 100 Group Instances, the time taken to propagate such changes should take only seconds, if noticeable at all. With large or complicated Group Template and Group Instance set-ups, there may be a noticeable period for which access to the database is prevented while the server propagates those changes. During this time Geo SCADA Expert will block attempts to make certain changes locally to a Group Instance while the server is in the process of propagating any Group Template configuration changes to that Group Instance (see Activities that are Restricted when Configuration or Structure Changes are Pending). For a summary of the type of changes that Geo SCADA Expert blocks until it has completed propagating Group Template changes to a Group Instance, see Configuration Changes and Structure Changes.

Further Information

Limitations if you Convert an Item in a Group Template (other than an Abstract Item).

Limitations that apply to Template expressions: see Template Expressions in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Expressions.

Restrictions that apply to the names of parameters that you can use in Template expressions: see Template Parameters in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Expressions.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021