Convert an Item in a Group Template

Be aware that should you use the Convert To feature to convert a database item in a Group Template into a database item of another type, any ‘children’ that reference that item will remain unchanged. This is true even if the equivalent conversion type exists for those items.

For example, if you convert a DNP3 outstation into a Kingfisher outstation in a Group Template, Geo SCADA Expert converts that outstation in the Template and replicates the conversion in any Group Instances that reference the Template. Any DNP3 points that are associated with the DNP3 outstation remain unconverted in both the Template and its Instances. As such, any references from those points to the outstation are severed when the outstation is converted. (Geo SCADA Expert generates a diagnostic message that gives details of any configuration that becomes invalid as a result of the conversion process.)

To convert an item’s ‘children’ in a Group Template, use the Convert To feature to convert each item individually. You can then adjust each item’s ‘base’ configuration in the Template, set any Property Overrides as appropriate, and then configure any overridden properties locally, in each Instance that references the Template.

Consider using Abstract Items in a Group Template, if you need to convert items into different types in different Instances of that Template. (For more information, see Abstract Item.)

Further Information

Displaying a Database Item’s References.

Converting a Database Item.

Define which Property Values Derive from a Group Template.

Configure the Properties that are Unique to the Items in a Group Instance.

For information about which tuned alarm limit settings are retained following a 'Copy', 'Convert To', or 'Create Instance' procedure that impacts on a point with tuned limits, see Tune Alarm Limits.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021