Converting a Database Item

The Convert To feature allows you to convert a database item into another item of a similar type—for example, to convert an internal digital point into a Modbus digital point. This feature is only available to specific types of database item, and is designed to provide:

You can also use the Convert To feature to reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to configure an item. For example, if you need to configure a new item to have a similar configuration as an existing item of a different type, you can copy the existing item, and then convert the copy into the required type. You can use the copy as the basis for the required configuration.

Be aware that when you convert some types of database item, that item’s ‘children’ may convert automatically into items of the equivalent type. For instance, if you convert a DNP3 outstation into a Kingfisher outstation, any DNP3 points that are associated with the DNP3 outstation are converted into their Kingfisher equivalent. Only those points for which an equivalent exists are converted—for points for which no equivalent exists, the point type remains unchanged and any references to the outstation are severed when the outstation is converted.

Geo SCADA Expert generates a diagnostic message if any mandatory information is incomplete or invalid, or if there is conflicting configuration following the conversion process. For information on checking for, and correcting, configuration errors, see Checking for Invalid Configuration.

Automatic conversion of ‘children’ only applies if items of the conversion equivalent exists and if the items are in an ordinary Group (rather than a Group Instance or Group Template).

For restrictions and limitations that apply when converting items in Templates and Instances, see Convert an Item in a Group Template.

For information about which tuned alarm limit settings are retained following a 'Copy', 'Convert To', or 'Create Instance' procedure that impacts on a point with tuned limits, see Tune Alarm Limits.

To produce a generic point or outstation type that you can readily convert into a specific point or outstation type, consider using an Abstract Item. You can configure Abstract item(s) within Group Templates, then convert them to specific items within each instance of that Template (see Convert an Abstract Item into a ‘Real’ Point or Outstation).

To convert a database item into a different type of database item:

Converting an item may invalidate some or all of the references to that item (see Displaying a Database Item’s References).

  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  2. In the Database Bar, right-click on the item that you want to convert.
    A context sensitive menu is displayed. If the item can be converted into a different type of item, the Convert To option is available on the context sensitive menu.
  3. Select the Convert To option.
    A further menu is displayed (with arrows to display further options, if applicable).

  4. Select the type of item into which you want to convert the selected item.

    For example, if you right-clicked on an internal digital point in step 1, and you want to convert it into a Modbus digital point, select the option for the relevant type of digital point.
    The selected item is converted into the type of item that you selected.

    Geo SCADA Expert generates a diagnostic message that gives details of any incomplete, conflicting, or invalid configuration that has occurred as a result of the conversion process.

  5. You will probably need to configure some other properties on the converted item’s Form (for instance properties that exist now that the item has been converted to a different type).

    For more information, please refer to the relevant configuration section.

Further Information

Convert a Group into a Group Template.

Convert a Group Instance into a Group.

Convert a Group Instance to Reference a Different Group Template.

Restrictions that apply if you Convert an Item in a Group Template.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021