Monthly Schedule

On a Monthly Schedule, you can define processes to start from any 5-minute interval on any day of the month (for instance at 11:00, 11:05, 11:10, or 11:15).

You need to configure a separate Monthly Schedule for any action(s) that require triggering at different times to other scheduled action(s).

When you are editing the Schedule Display, the time indicated by the position of the cursor is displayed in the format D, HH:MM (where D = date, HH = hours, MM = minutes). For example, 12, 11:25 indicates 11:25am on the 12th day of the month.

You may find it easier to maximize the Schedule Display while adding processes, so that you can readily select the required times.

Be aware that if you add an event to the 31st day of a Monthly Schedule, any scheduled actions will only trigger on the 31st during those months that include 31 days. Similarly, any events assigned to the 30th or 31st day will not trigger during February, and those assigned to the 29th of the month will only trigger during February, when the year is a Leap year.

Further Information

Set up a Schedule.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021