Set up a Schedule

To set up a Schedule and add an action to that Schedule, you need to:

  1. Add a Schedule.
  2. Display the Schedule Form.
  3. Define the Basic Schedule Properties.
  4. If required, Associate a Calendar with a Daily or Weekly Schedule.
  5. Define the frequency with which the Schedule is to trigger any action(s)—the procedure varies, depending on the type of Schedule:
  6. Add an Action to a Schedule.
  7. Save the configuration.

There are also other activities that you can undertake when configuring a Schedule.

For Schedules other than Simple Schedules, you can:

With any type of Schedule, you can:

For a series of examples showing how Schedules can be used to trigger actions automatically on a Geo SCADA Expert system, see Example Configuration.

Do not confuse the Schedules with Alarm Redirection Schedules, which are used to redirect alarms at different times on different days. For information on Alarm Redirection Schedules and the Alarm Redirection Calendars on which they are used, see Configure an Alarm Redirection Calendar in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Alarm Redirection.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021