Parameters versus Points and Variables

When configuring a Geo SCADA Expert system, be aware that Geo SCADA Expert can store some types of data as Point data, Variable data, or Parameter data. For example, Geo SCADA Expert can store analog data in the form of an Analog Point, Double Variable, or a Double Parameter. The type of database item that you should use to store the data depends on how that data is intended to be used in Geo SCADA Expert. (Point data, Variable data, and Parameter data can all be used in reports and be accessed by other applications that interrogate Geo SCADA Expert.)

Be aware that you can also store ‘custom’ data in extra fields that you can add to configuration Forms, or otherwise to the database items on your system. For information on adding such ‘custom’ fields, see Extra Database Fields in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration. Consider using custom fields if the data varies on a per item basis; consider using Parameters if the data is not database item-specific.

The rest of this section summarizes these three types of database item and their intended functionality in Geo SCADA Expert:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021