Specify the Profile’s Range

Use the Minimum and Maximum fields within the Range section of the Profile tab to specify the range of values that the Profile can display.

A Time Profile has a ‘normal’ scale if its Maximum value is greater than the Minimum value.

A Time Profile has an inverted scale if its Maximum value is less than the Minimum value. (A Time Profile that is used for alarm limits on analog point(s) that have inverted scales must itself have an inverted scale.)

If you reduce the range of an existing Time Profile, Geo SCADA Expert will automatically move any out-of-bounds vectors to the new Minimum or Maximum value, as appropriate.

If you Produce a Profile Based on Historic Data and any of the values exceed the Profile’s Range, Geo SCADA Expert will substitute any larger values with the Profile’s Maximum value, and any smaller values with the Profile’s Minimum value (or vice versa if the Profile has an inverted scale).

If the SetVectors method is used to Generate a Profile’s Data Programmatically and any of the values exceed the Profile’s Range, the method will not succeed.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021