Types of Variable

Geo SCADA Expert supports these types of single-value Variable:

Type of Variable Description


Use this type of Variable to store a single TRUE/FALSE value.


Use this type of Variable to store a single 8-bit value.


Use this type of Variable to store a color value.

Constant Double

Use this type of Variable to store an unchanging double-precision floating point value.

This type of Variable differs from the other Variables supported by Geo SCADA Expert in that the item has no Set Value pick action or Value method. The value is intended to remain constant and be used for test purposes only.


Use this type of Variable to store a double-precision floating point value.


Use this type of Variable to store an IEEE floating point value.


Use this type of Variable to store a signed 4-byte (32-bit) whole number.


Use this type of Variable to store a single text string.

(Geo SCADA Expert also supports String Points and String Parameters. The type of string that you add to Geo SCADA Expert is determined by that string’s intended functionality—see Parameters versus Points and Variables.)


Use this type of Variable to store a single date and time value.

(If used with Logic, a Time Variable can be used to store just a date, a time, or a date and time value.)

Unsigned Long

Use this type of Variable to store an unsigned 4-byte (32-bit) whole number.

Unsigned Word

Use this type of Variable to store a single unsigned 16-bit value.


Use this type of Variable to store a single value of any type.


Use this type of Variable to store a single signed 16-bit value.

To set the value of any of the above Variables (other than a Constant Double), you can use the Value method, or set the value using Logic. With Variables other than a Constant Double or Variant, you can also set the value by using the Set Value pick action.

Geo SCADA Expert also supports a series of Variable arrays. These types of Variable are intended to store a series of values, rather than a single value. To set the values in a Variable array, use the SetElement method, or set the values using Logic. With arrays other than a Variant Array, you can also set the values by using the Set Element pick action.

Geo SCADA Expert supports these Variable arrays:

Type of Variable Array Description

Boolean Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of TRUE/FALSE values.

Byte Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of 8-bit values.

Double Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of double-precision floating point values.

Float Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of IEEE floating point values.

Long Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of unsigned 4-byte (32-bit) whole numbers.

String Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of text strings.

(If the text strings are to remain static, you might want to consider using Parameter Tables instead of String Arrays—see Types of Parameter.)

Time Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of date, time, or date and time values.

Unsigned Long Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of signed 4-byte (32-bit) whole numbers.

Unsigned Word Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of unsigned 16-bit values.

Variant Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of values of any type.

Word Array

Use this type of Variable array to store a series of signed 16-bit values.

To access the values of a Variable array via Logic, use the VECTOR keyword. (To access an Array Variable as an array, you need to use a Structured Text (ST) program.)



ITEMS AT %M<(Variable Array Name>) : VECTOR[0...9] OF REAL;


For more information on the VECTOR keyword, see Using Vectors to Access Direct Variables in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Logic.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021