Use String Parameters to Enable the Instances of a Mimic to Display Different Information

This example demonstrates how you can use String Parameters on a Mimic that is in a Template, in order to allow each Instance of that Mimic to display different information.


The database on a particular Geo SCADA Expert system has a ‘modular’ structure that has been configured using a series of Group Templates and Group Instances.

Each area of the system is defined as a different ‘zone’. A Group Template is used to define the ‘base’ content of a single zone—the configuration is then replicated in all of the Instances of that Template, with one Instance for each zone.

The Template includes a series of Mimics that provide various pictorial representations of the plant in a single zone. A heading is included on each Mimic, to identify the zone to which it relates. The heading is configured as a String Parameter. The same String Parameter is used on all of the Mimics in the Template. This enables users with the Configure permission to specify the zone name just once in each Instance, in order for all of the Mimics in that Instance to display that name.

In the Group Template, a ‘dummy’ string is specified in the String Parameter’s String field.

The String Parameter is embedded on each of the Mimics in the Template:

The Properties feature is used to suitably configure the entry on each Mimic in the Template (color, font, and so on).

As no action is required when users select the string on the Instances of each Mimic, the Pick Action Wizard is used to set the action to None.

In this particular case, the String Parameter’s foreground and background colors are to remain static, and so the Animations window is used to remove any FillColour, and Blink animations.

By default, the text string that the String Parameter stores is inherited from the Group Template. In order for the string to be configurable on a per-Instance basis, the Group Template’s Property Overrides features is then used to select the String property of the String Parameter, so that it displays a check mark. This enables the property to be overridden locally, in each Instance.

In each Instance of the Template, engineers that have the Configure permission then replace the String Parameter’s ‘dummy’ String with the required entry. This is done once per Instance, via each Instance’s String Parameter Form. This results in all occurrences of that string being updated on all of the Mimics in that Instance.

Further Information

Group Templates and Group Instances

Add a Parameter

Specify a Single String Parameter

Mimics, Mimic Properties, the Animations window, and the Pick Action Wizard: see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Mimics

Understanding the Select Properties Window


Geo SCADA Expert 2021