Using Master Station Accumulators on a Geo SCADA Expert System

Once configured, an Accumulator will automatically calculate its value using the state or value of its source, for the period specified in the End of Period Reset section of the Accumulator Form (see Specify the Period over which an Accumulator’s Value is Calculated).

If an Accumulator uses a Continuous reset method, you can optionally use the Accumulator’s Reset pick action to reset the Accumulator’s value to zero, independently of the configured End of Period settings.

Similarly, if an Accumulator uses a Continuous reset method, you can optionally use an Accumulator’s Initialize pick action to specify the starting value from which that Accumulator should calculate its value.

For more information on either pick action, see Actions Associated with Master Station Accumulators.

To reset or initialize an Accumulator’s value automatically in exceptional circumstances, consider using an Alarm Redirection Method Action (see Perform Action/Invoke Method Redirection in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Alarm Redirection).

You can use Accumulators within Logic programs—for information on writing logic programs, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Logic.

You can view an Accumulator’s Status display whenever you need to ascertain information about the Accumulator’s status (see Status Attributes Associated with Master Station Accumulators).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021