Example Reports

This section includes a series of sample reports to further demonstrate how Geo SCADA Expert data can be used in reports, and the format that the data can take.

In the examples that follow, the format of many of the reports has been adjusted from the Crystal Reports default to give a more professional report layout. For information on adjusting the format of a report, see the documentation supplied with the Crystal Reports application.

Be aware that if you want to export a report to a programmatic-type text format (record-based), you may want to exclude items such as headers, footers, and field titles. Programmatic-type export procedures, with the exception of Separated Text Format, handle all fields as data records. Other export formats also affect the attributes that are preserved in a report when it is exported to another format. For information on export formats, see Define the Export Format for a Report.

For other examples, see as appropriate:

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Geo SCADA Expert 2021