Installation on Clients on Which You Only Want to Display or Print or Export Reports

On the ViewX clients on which you want to display reports, or print or export reports locally, but not edit reports, you need to:

  1. Install the Geo SCADA Expert software, including:
  2. Repeat the above step on each of the Geo SCADA Expert clients that will be used for displaying, printing or exporting reports (but will not be used for editing).
  3. You can request the server to export or print a report from any client. Such requests are made using the Print Report or Export Report pick actions, respectively.

On any Original WebX clients on which you want to display the latest generated version of a report, you need to:

  1. Install the Geo SCADA Expert WebX Client component, or download the component automatically from the Web server (if permitted to do so by Windows® Internet Explorer security).
  2. Install Adobe Reader® from the Adobe website (
  3. Repeat the above steps for each of the Original WebX clients that will be used to display reports.

You can display the latest generated reports on an Original WebX client.

You can only view reports on an Original WebX client if the reports have been configured to be available (see Specify Whether a Report is to be Made Available for Display in Original WebX).

Further Information

For diagrams that illustrate the location of the Geo SCADA Expert components that you need to install, see Geo SCADA Expert Software Components.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021