Introduction to Using Crystal Reports with Geo SCADA Expert
This driver is a stand-alone driver. It provides additional functionality to enable Geo SCADA Expert to interface with specific supported systems or devices. To interact successfully with such systems or devices, you need to:
- Install and run the driver
- Ensure that the driver is licensed
- Configure the required database items and settings on the driver
- Ensure that the database items (and any database items on which they depend) have valid, saved, configuration and are 'In Service'.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for:
- Engineers who are responsible for:
- Configuring Geo SCADA Expert to interface with the third-party Crystal Reports™ application
- Using the third-party Crystal Reports™ application to produce reports that contain Geo SCADA Expert data.
(Such engineers are expected to have the appropriate experience or knowledge of the Crystal Reports™ application.)
- Operators and engineers who work with the reports that contain Geo SCADA Expert data
- System administrators who are investigating unexpected conditions related to the Crystal Reports driver.

This guide contains technical information that is intended for users that are sufficiently familiar with Geo SCADA Expert configuration and operation. Before reading this driver guide, ensure that you are familiar with:
- Geo SCADA Expert configuration practices, procedures, and the configuration of properties that are common to many database items. For more information, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration, and the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration.
- Driver structure, components, and configuration properties, pick actions, and status attributes that are common to many drivers. For more information, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Drivers.
Some sections of this guide are intended for operator-level users. These sections are intended for users that are familiar with the navigational and operational aspects of Geo SCADA Expert. Before reading the operational sections in this guide, ensure that you are familiar with:
- The Geo SCADA Expert user interfaces (ViewX and Virtual ViewX), the various types of display, their navigation and operation. For more information, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to ViewX and Virtual ViewX Clients.
Document Scope
This guide explains the configuration and features associated with Geo SCADA Expert's Crystal Reports driver. The Crystal Reports driver enables Geo SCADA Expert to interface with the third-party Crystal Reports™ application to produce professional customized reports that contain data from the Geo SCADA Expert database.
You can use the Crystal Reports driver to enable Geo SCADA Expert to interface with SAP Crystal Reports 2016 or SAP Crystal Reports 2020.
Crystal Reports is a powerful application that allows you to structure reports to your requirements. You can then generate and display your reports, print your reports out, or export your reports to a variety of formats and destinations for data analysis. For instance, you might want to transfer your reports to disk, or export reports in Adobe AcrobatTM format and send them via e-mail to a system engineer or manager.
Much of the structure and layout of a report is performed using the Crystal Reports application. As such, we advise that any reports or report templates are produced by engineers that have the appropriate experience or knowledge of the Crystal Reports application.
The Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Crystal Reports Driver explains the Geo SCADA Expert interface to the Crystal Reports application and the Geo SCADA Expert specific features related to producing reports. You can use the Geo SCADA Expert Crystal Reports driver to interface with SAP Crystal Reports 2016 or SAP Crystal Reports 2020. For more information on the version(s) of Crystal Reports and the editions that Geo SCADA Expert supports, see Installation on ViewX Clients on Which You Want to Edit Reports.
This document explains how to:
- Install Crystal Reports
- Plan Your Reports
- Configure Your Reports (taking into account the Important Guidelines on Configuring and Generating Reports)
- Trigger Your Reports Automatically (see Activating a Report Action Automatically).
It also explains:
- Driver-specific aspects that are of interest to operators, including:
- Using Actions Associated with Crystal Reports
- Using the Crystal Reports Viewer
- Working with the Reports List.
- Driver-specific aspects that may be of interest to system administrators and engineers when investigating unexpected behavior relating to the Crystal Reports driver. The driver-specific aspects include:
For information on using the Crystal Reports software or writing formulae to produce the reports you require, see the documentation supplied with the Crystal Reports application.
SAP - the owner of Crystal Reports - requires that each operational installation of the Crystal Reports runtime module used within a server application requires a license, which impacts Geo SCADA Expert.
Schneider Electric is obligated to implement the current SAP licensing rules for Crystal Reports, which requires each new Geo SCADA Expert server that intends to use the Crystal Reports runtime to be correctly licensed. The installation of any Geo SCADA Expert server that requires the Crystal Reports runtime module to be operational requires the purchase of an additional license.
The application of Crystal Reports runtime licensing rules is to be retrospective for users running Crystal Reports 2008 or later, which impacts all Geo SCADA Expert users that have ClearSCADA 2010 R3 or newer (ClearSCADA was the name by which Geo SCADA Expert was formerly known). As a result, Geo SCADA Expert users that request an upgrade to their Geo SCADA Expert license that supports ClearSCADA 2010 R3 or newer will be required to purchase a Crystal Reports runtime license per server to continue using Crystal Reports.
SAP Crystal Reports runtime modules are no longer selected or installed by default during the installation of Geo SCADA Expert pre-requisites.
The SAP Crystal Reports runtime components are NOT installed by default. If you intend to install them you must purchase a Crystal Reports runtime license for each server on which these components are to be operational (clients do not need a license to use the runtime components). For servers on which the runtime components are operational, the Crystal Reports runtime license is included with the Geo SCADA Expert Crystal Reports driver license. Please contact your Schneider sales representative for more information.
Geo SCADA Expert servers require the 64-bit version of the SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine to be selected. Geo SCADA Expert ViewX clients and Virtual ViewX servers require the 32-bit version of the SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine to be selected. Please select both if you are to run Server and Clients on the same computer. As the runtime components are prerequisites, you have to select them before you continue further with the Geo SCADA Expert installation (this is handled automatically in the Virtual ViewX installer). For more information about the installation order, see the Installation section of the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Crystal Reports Driver.
If you intend using Crystal Reports on your system, you also need to install the Crystal Reports prerequisites and driver on any
Geo SCADA Expert users that do not use Crystal Reports are not impacted by this change.