Restrict the Data that a Report is to Retrieve

It is good practice to make your reports as efficient as possible.

The generation of an unrestricted large or complex report may cause a temporary adverse affect on a Geo SCADA Expert system, while Geo SCADA Expert processes the long-running query. For this reason, we advise that you restrict the amount of data that can be requested in a large or complex report, by building in restrictions to that report.

Include the necessary restrictions as soon as you create a report entry in the database, and certainly before you attempt to preview any report data. This avoids inadvertently generating a report that attempts to retrieve an unconstrained amount of data, such as all historic data ever produced on the system. As a minimum with a report that queries historic table(s), constrain the data by time (for example, one week). For more information, see Restrict the Amount of Data that is Queried in a Report.

You should also consider using stored data to check out the changes that you are making to a report while you are configuring that report—see Decide Whether to Refresh Data or Use Saved Data. By using stored data, the Crystal Reports application does not need to access the Geo SCADA Expert database should you want to preview the report layout during the configuration stage. Once a report is complete, you need to check that the data is no longer stored with the report and that the report uses the most up-to-date data.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021