Specify a Trip Sequence for a Date

To specify a trip sequence for a date, you enter the trip code:


where <format> is one or more of the Windows® picture string date formats that Geo SCADA Expert supports (see Supported Trip Codes for Dates).

To specify the date that Geo SCADA Expert substitutes for the trip code, you use the Trip Sequence Time field on the appropriate tab of the Crystal Report Form.

The default of NOW results in a time of ‘now’ exactly. If an offset time stamp is required, you can specify another time value in the OPC Relative Time Format.

For examples of how to use the Trip Sequence Time in conjunction with the trip sequences that you specify for your exported reports, see Specify the Trip Sequence Time.

For a detailed example that demonstrates how a Date trip sequence might be used to define the month for which a report contains data, see Specify a Trip Sequence for a Report Object.

Further Information

Resolving any Trip Sequence Errors.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021