Resolving any Trip Sequence Errors

The export locations for a report support ‘Trip Sequences’ (see Trip Sequences Supported by Geo SCADA Expert).

Use this section if Geo SCADA Expert is unable to evaluate a trip sequence, or the trip sequence does not evaluate as expected.

Use the table below to determine the cause of any unevaluated trip sequences:

Type of Trip Sequence Diagnostic Message Description

Date or Time


The specified format is invalid (see Supported Trip Codes for Dates, or see Supported Trip Codes for Times, as applicable).



The referenced field is null (the field does not reference another item and is blank on the associated configuration Form).

This diagnostic message is shown, for example, should %OParentGroupId.AlarmViewId.Name% be evaluated for a report for which the parent Group does not have an Alarm View associated with it.


Geo SCADA Expert was not able to read the value of the referenced field. You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.


The trip sequence incorrectly references a field that is not a reference field.

For example, %ODataSourceLocation.UserId%, where ‘DataSourceLocation’ is a byte field, rather than a reference field.

Refer to the database Schema, or the OPC Data Bar for a comprehensive list of fields and field types.


The trip sequence references a database aggregate that is presently disabled, therefore Geo SCADA Expert cannot display the referenced information.


The trip sequence contains a reference that is not a field or aggregate.

For example, %OExportDest.TripSequenceTime%, where there is neither a field or aggregate named ‘ExportDest’.

Refer to the database Schema, or the OPC Data Bar for a comprehensive list of the fields that can be specified.


Geo SCADA Expert was not able to read the value of the referenced field. You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.


The trip sequence references a field that does not exist. (Remember to specify a field’s property name (as listed in the Schema, or OPC Data Bar), rather than its ‘display name’, or the field label shown on the configuration Form, as the latter two vary with the Locale and language assigned to the logged on User).


The Crystal Reports driver has failed to retrieve the specified property from the database. You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.



Applies to Range parameters only. This diagnostic message indicates that Geo SCADA Expert failed to get the value(s) of the range from the report. You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.

(Remember that users can optionally omit either the start (No Lower Bound) or end (No Upper Bound) value of a range when a report is exported. If both values are used in a trip sequence, only a single value will be returned if one of the bounds is omitted. If only one of the values is used in the trip sequence and that value/bound is omitted, the trip sequence will be replaced by nothing.)


Applies to Range parameters only. The specified range <sub-item> is invalid: only 'Start' and 'End' (not case sensitive) are valid range items (see Specify a Trip Sequence for a Parameter).


There is no Parameter with the specified name in the report. (Parameter trip sequences can only be used with reports that contain one or more Parameter Fields.)

Further Information

Specify a Trip Sequence for a Date.

Specify a Trip Sequence for a Time.

Specify a Trip Sequence for a Parameter.

Specify a Trip Sequence for a Report Object.

Specify the Trip Sequence Time.

For information on the database Schema, see Working with Geo SCADA Expert Database Tables in this guide, and see Working with the Database Schema in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Database.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021