Trip Sequences Supported by Geo SCADA Expert

The export locations for a report support ‘Trip Sequences’ that allow you to specify:

For example, you might want to produce a monthly report in which the file name includes the month and year that the report covers. Or you might want to export a report to a location based on the report’s location in the Geo SCADA Expert database.

You can enter any combination of trip sequences at any location within the file name, folder name, or subject line, and so on, that Geo SCADA Expert uses when exporting your reports.

You can include character spaces within each trip sequence—these will be included in the final string when Geo SCADA Expert replaces the trip sequence with the actual information.

You can also include additional string characters—such as commas—in a trip sequence. For example, %Dddd the dd of MMMM yyyy%. To include string characters that would otherwise appear as trip code, enclose the characters in single quotation marks, for example, ‘MM’ (to print the characters MM).

To include the export date or time, you specify the relevant date or time trip sequence along with the Trip Sequence Time, to define the time or date information that is to be included.

With each trip sequence, Geo SCADA Expert replaces the trip sequence with the required information when it exports the report.

Further Information

Define the Export Destination for a Report.

Resolving any Trip Sequence Errors.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021