
An Aggregate is a special type of class that acts as an extension of another class. Unlike other classes, aggregate classes derive from the CAggregate class (rather than the CDBObject class).

Each aggregate has its own name, Fields, and Methods and is used to store a set of data.


The CGenericModbusOSPSTN table includes the PSTN aggregate—the PSTN aggregate groups specific configuration for a PSTN outstation's communication settings.

Aggregates cannot contain other aggregates.

Each aggregate can be either fixed or optional and single or multi-type:

You may need to include aggregates in expressions for animations and Logic programs. For example, you may need to include an aggregate in an expression that uses a historic calculation tag (see OPC Historic Aggregates (Algorithms) in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Expressions).

You can use the Geo SCADA Expert Database Schema to display information about the aggregates for each class (see Working with the Database Schema).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021