Enable Telnet

Associated with: Channels

Security permission required to access this pick action: Diagnostics

In Geo SCADA Expert, each channel has its own Telnet server, which you can use to monitor the channel’s communications in real time. Whenever monitoring is required, use the Enable Telnet pick action to start the channel’s Telnet server (see Enable or Disable the Telnet Server in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration). Once monitoring is no longer required, use the Disable Telnet pick action to stop the Telnet server.

The Logging system color indicates that Communications, I/O Logging, or Telnet monitoring are enabled on a channel. The Telnet status attribute indicates the current status of the channel’s Telnet server.

For more information, see Telnet Monitoring in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021