Display User Query Data

You can display User Query data in List form from the Queries Bar in ViewX or Virtual ViewX. (You cannot display User Query data on an Original WebX client.)

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Display the Queries Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  2. Expand the User Queries branch.
    The tree structure expands to show the available User Queries.

    On a Virtual ViewX client, the branch is only available if your system is configured to allow mobile devices to access the Geo SCADA Expert database.

  3. Double-click on the User Query you want to work with.
    The Filter Columns window is displayed.
  4. Use the Filter window to restrict the entries in the Queries List as required (see Filter a List).
  5. Select the OK button to apply any filters and to display the User Query data.

Further Information

Display a Queries List from the Queries Bar.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021