Creating a Hyperlink to a Map

You can create a hyperlink from an item on a Mimic to a Map item in the Geo SCADA Expert database. A user can then click on the hyperlink when the Mimic is in Run mode and Geo SCADA Expert will display the Map in the Document Display Area.

To create a hyperlink from a Mimic item to a Map item in the database:

  1. In Design Mode, display the Mimic that you want to work with (see Displaying a Mimic).
  2. Either:
  3. Save the Mimic.

When you create the hyperlink, you can append parameters to the hyperlink's URL that will determine how and what the Map displays, as follows:

The general format of the hyperlink's URL is as follows:

SCX:///<System>/<Class>/<Object>#<Map Parameter Name>=<Map Parameter Value>


In this example, we will create a hyperlink to a map set called 'England.Bing' in a system called 'Main. We will set a Zoom level of 10 and the center of the displayed Map will be at Latitude 52.4777°N and Longitude 1.8988°W.


The system in this example is Main.

All numeric values in a URL use the English decimal point (a dot).


In this example, we will create a hyperlink to a map set called 'England.Bing' in a system called 'Main. We will set a Zoom level of 10 and the center of the displayed Map will be at Latitude 52.4777°N and Longitude 1.8988°W. We will display all of the items in the database on the Map.

SCX:///Main/CGISMapSet/England.Bing#zoom=10&Latitude=52.4777&Longitude=-1.8988&Query=SELECT FullName, gislocation->latitude, gislocation->longitude FROM CDBOBJECT

You should not use the symbols % and & directly in the query, you should replace them with the escaped versions: %25 for % and %26 for &. You also need to escape any double quotes in a string parameter value.

We recommend that you configure and use User Queries with maps and within hyperlinks relating to maps as this simplifies the hyperlink:


Where MapUserQuery is the full name of a User Query item within the database.

Or if the User Query is located within a group:

SCX:///Main/CGISMapSet/England.Bing#zoom=10&Latitude=52.4777&Longitude=-1.8988&Query=Map Queries.MapUserQuery

Where Map Queries.MapUserQuery is the group and full name of a User Query item within the database.

The portion of the URL after the # character is called a fragment and contains the parameters discussed above.

The URL components are as follows:

Further Information

Designing Queries for GIS Map Markers.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021