Locating the Absolute Address of a Display

When you are configuring hyperlinks, you may need to enter the absolute address of a display as the Target. For example, if you are setting up a hyperlink on a Multi-Monitor setup, where the target display is to be shown in a different Window Container, you will need to define the absolute address of the target display in the functions you use.

For target displays other than Lists and Alarms Lists, you can determine the absolute reference by following these steps:

  1. Drag the document item from the Database Bar onto a Mimic (displayed in Design Mode).
  2. When the context sensitive menu appears, select Hyperlink to create a hyperlink to the document item.
  3. Right-click on the hyperlink and select the Pick Action Wizard option to display the Pick Action Wizard.
  4. Select Next to proceed to the second page of the Wizard. There you will see the absolute reference to the document (although it may not contain the System name) in the URL field.
  5. Copy the URL entry to the clipboard, then paste it into the Code field when you are configuring your pick action.

    If the system name is not included in the URL, you will need to add the system name before the last / after the Geo SCADA Expert: part of the link. For example, if the URL is SCX:////CProfile/New Double and your system is called MAIN, you would need to change the entry to: SCX:///Main/CProfile/NewDouble.

With Lists and Alarms Lists, you need to use a different technique to obtain the absolute address:

  1. In ViewX, display the List to which you want to link, applying any filters as required (see Display and Use Lists in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Lists).
  2. Select the Edit tab on the ViewX ribbon.
  3. Select the Copy Shortcut command from the relevant command group.
  4. Run a text editor program such as Notepad and paste the entry into a new document. If you do not have a text editor program, you can paste the absolute link into the Notes for the List item (see Notes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to ViewX and Virtual ViewX Clients).
  5. Look at the absolute reference and check that it complies with the following syntaxes:

    For Queries Lists:

    SCX:///<System>/List/Title="<Name of List>"&InitialSQL="<SQL for List> FROM <Database Class>".


    • <System> is the name of the system that contains the List.
    • <Name of List> is the name of the List in ViewX, for example, Objects. The angle brackets should not be included.
    • <SQL for List> is the SQL filter applied to the list and consists of SELECT followed by the defined filter criteria.
    • <Database Class> is the table in the database that stores the information for the List, for example, for the Objects List, the database class is CDBOBJECT.

    For Alarms Lists:



    • <System> is the name of the system on which the alarms have been raised. If you want the Alarms List to show the alarms on all of your systems, use the asterisk * character instead of <System>. Do not include the angle brackets for <System> or *.
    • <Filter1> is the name of the first filter condition that you want to apply. Do not include the angle brackets < >.
    • <Value1> is the criteria that has to be met for <Filter1>. Do not include the angle brackets < >.
    • <Filter2> is the name of the first second condition that you want to apply. Do not include the angle brackets < >.
    • <Value2> is the criteria that has to be met for <Filter2>. Do not include the angle brackets < >.

    There can be additional filters and values (<Filter3>, <Filter4> and so on) as required. For more information on the filter conditions that can be used, see Creating a Hyperlink to an Alarms List.

  6. Copy the reference to the clipboard, then paste it into the Code field when you are configuring your pick action.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021