Choose the Pager Number for the Device that is to Receive the Message

When sending a message, you need to specify which pager device or mobile telephone is to receive the message. To do this, you need to use the Pager Number property on the Send Message window or the Send Pager Message window.

The message you are sending is associated with a User account (either a User account specified by the To property, or the User account you used to access the Send Message or Send Pager Message action). In the configuration of the User account, there are up to 4 Pager Contacts, each containing a Pager ID and a Pager Number. Each Pager Contact represents a single pager device or mobile telephone.

When you send a message, you need to choose a Pager Number. The options for the Pager Number correspond to the Pager Contacts of the User account associated with your message. You need to select the name of the Pager Contact that represents the pager device or mobile telephone that is to receive the message.

To define the Pager Number property:

  1. Display the Send Message or Send Pager Message window by right-clicking on a Pager Service or User and selecting the Send Message or Send Pager Message action (see Sending a Message Manually).
  2. Use the Pager Number combo box to select the name of the Pager Contact that represents the pager device or mobile telephone that is to receive the message.

Further Information

Sending a Message Manually.

Configuring a User Account's Pager Properties.


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