Configuring User Pattern Settings

On Geo SCADA Expert systems that use User Patterns, most of the User accounts are maintained externally outside of Geo SCADA Expert (following the initial setup in Geo SCADA Expert). When triggered to do so on such systems, Geo SCADA Expert automatically creates a new User account at log on, and bases that new User account on the settings supplied by the relevant User Pattern (see Create User Accounts from a User Pattern).

To configure the settings for a User Pattern you use the User Pattern Form (see Display a User Pattern Form).

The tabs and configuration properties on a User Pattern Form are almost identical to those on User Forms. As such, much of the online help that relates to tabs and properties on User Forms also applies to User Pattern Forms.

The main differences associated with tabs and configuration properties on User Forms and User Pattern Forms are as follows:

Information about the properties on the User Pattern Form is provided by other topics in this section. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

When Geo SCADA Expert creates new User accounts automatically based on a User Pattern, it places those new User accounts at a particular location in the database. You define the location using the User Group with which the User Pattern is associated (see Provide Settings for Automatic User Creation).


When you have finished defining the settings for a User Pattern, you need to:

Further Information

Example Configuration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021