Define whether a User can Only Work with Items under their Exclusive Control

The properties described in this topic apply both to User Forms and User Pattern Forms. (User Patterns only apply to systems on which Geo SCADA Expert can create new User accounts automatically as part of an External Authentication process. For more information, see Create User Accounts from a User Pattern.)

Typically, the Exclusive Control feature is used to restrict access to an item's features; only the user that has exclusive control of the item can access its features (For more information, see Exclusive Control).

By default, when a user has exclusive control of an item, they can access the features for the item and can also access the features of other items that are not under exclusive control. Other users cannot access the items that are under the user's exclusive control. However, you can use the settings on the User Form to restrict users so that they only have access to their exclusively controlled items; they will not be able to access items that are not under their exclusive control.


A user account is configured to have the Exclusive Control Only setting enabled. The user account is named 'Site Manager'. The 'Site Manager' user is set up to have exclusive control of three points: 'Switch 1', 'Switch 2', and 'Sensor 4'.

Another user account is configured to have the Exclusive Control Only setting disabled. The user account is named 'Engineer1'. The 'Engineer1' user is set up to have exclusive control of three points: 'Sensor 1', 'Sensor 2', 'Valve 1'.

The 'Site Manager' user can only access features for the 'Switch 1', 'Switch 2', and 'Sensor 4' points. They cannot access any other database item as their user account is configured to restrict them to only having access to the items for which they have exclusive control.

The 'Engineer1' user can access features for the 'Sensor 1', 'Sensor 2', and 'Valve 1' points and any other items that are not under the exclusive control of another user. So, the 'Engineer1' user cannot access the 'Switch 1', 'Switch 2', and 'Sensor 4' points as they are under the exclusive control of the'Site Manager' user.

To define whether a user can only work with items that are under their exclusive control:

  1. Either:

  2. Select the General tab.
  3. Either:
    • Select the Exclusive Control Only check box to configure the user account so that it only provides access to those items that are under its exclusive control.


    • Clear the Exclusive Control Only check box to configure the user account so that it can provide access to any database items that are not under the exclusive control of another user.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021