Exclusive Control

The exclusive control feature allows a user to take control of a database item or group of database items. When an item is under exclusive control, other users cannot access certain features for that item (or cannot access any of that item's features at all, depending on the configuration). Only the user with exclusive control of that item can access those features that have been reserved for the user with exclusive control.

Do not provide mobile access to 'custom' Exclusive Control methods (configured using the User Methods tab on a database item's configuration Form). Activities associated with taking, releasing, assigning and removing Exclusive Control are not supported by mobile devices.

In the event of a server changeover within a multi-server system, the Provisional User Logon ensures that the user does not lose control of the items under exclusive control.

Exclusive control is often used to allow maintenance engineers to work on a system. During maintenance, the engineer will raise many test alarms, and by using Exclusive Control, can ‘hide’ these alarms from other users. This is useful as it means users only see ‘real’ alarms and so do not try to respond to the alarms that have been caused by maintenance work.

Another common use of the Exclusive Control feature is to allow a regional control room to control certain Groups at specific times.

In this section, we describe the how to use Exclusive Control, the gray footer section at the bottom provides you with access to all the required topics. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

You can configure a user account so that the user of that account can only access items that are under their exclusive control (see Define whether a User can Only Work with Items under their Exclusive Control).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021