Certificates for Geo SCADA Expert Server and Client Connections

The use of certificates to initiate secure connections and encrypt the data that is transmitted between Geo SCADA Expert servers and clients is supported by Geo SCADA Expert 2020 onwards. From this version of Geo SCADA Expert, two sets of certificates are supported:

We strongly recommend that you set up your system to use trusted certificates to initiate secure connections and encrypt the data that is transmitted between Geo SCADA Expert servers and clients. To configure your system to use such certificates:

  1. Each server and client machine (if client certificates are required) should have its own unique certificate, which must have a private key associated with it. Obtain the required certificates from a trusted certification authority and load each certificate into the Windows certificate store on the relevant machine. (Store the server certificate on the relevant server machine, and the client certificate on the relevant client machine.) For more information about certificate stores, see the Windows help.
  2. On the server machine, set up the required settings in the Server Configuration Tool (see Configure the Connection Security Settings).

    If the server is in a multi-server system, also configure the security settings that apply for outgoing server-to-server connections during which this server acts as a client (see Connection Security Tab (for Server-to-Server Communications)).

    Repeat this step on each server in your system.

  3. On each client machine, set up the required client connection security for the client (see Configure the Client Connection Security Settings in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Client Administration).

On Geo SCADA Expert systems on which certificates are used:


potential security breach

Clients that are running a version of Geo SCADA Expert that is earlier than Geo SCADA Expert 2020 use a different communications protocol and are exempt from requiring valid client certificates. We recommend that you upgrade all of your clients as soon as it is practicable, to ensure that they run a version of Geo SCADA Expert that does support client certificates.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage. The breach in system security could expose sensitive data and leave the database vulnerable to unauthorized and potentially malicious use.

Clients that are running a version of Geo SCADA Expert that is earlier than Geo SCADA Expert 2020 are exempt from requiring valid client certificates and can still communicate with a server that has been updated to require client certificates.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021