Channels for Statically Assigned Ports

To create a channel for a statically assigned port:

  1. In Geo SCADA Expert, create a new channel of the relevant type and driver. For example, if the remote computer connects to a SCADAPack Modbus outstation via PSTN, you need to create an Advanced Modbus PSTN Channel.
  2. Name the channel appropriately, and configure its settings as described in the documentation for the relevant driver. For example, if you are configuring an Advanced Modbus PSTN channel, configure its settings as described in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver.
  3. When configuring the channel, set the:
    • Connection Type to TCP/IP.
    • Host Address to the name or IP address of the remote computer.
    • Port number to match the TCP/IP port on the remote computer port to which the serial channel is connected. The Port number has to be the same as the port number that you defined when you configured the port (see Configure a Static Serial Port).
  4. Save the configuration.

For extra help with configuring port server connections, refer to:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021