Install the Port Server Software

You install the port server software so that it can provide remote access to serial ports or enable channels to share a modem or port. Depending on your system requirements (see Port Server Setup), you have to install the port server on a Geo SCADA Expert server or on a remote computer.

For this section, we assume that the servers are already configured and have connections to clients and the remote computer (if required). If you have not yet configured your servers and connections, see System Architectures.

To install the Port Server software:

  1. Begin the installation process for a Server or a ViewX client and proceed through the steps until the Geo SCADA Expert Setup Wizard displays the Choose Setup Type 'page'.
  2. Select the Custom option.
  3. Expand the Utilities branch.
  4. Select the icon next to the Port Server option.
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
  5. Select either the Will be installed on local hard drive option or Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive option.
  6. You can install the ViewX client software on the remote computer, but this is not a requirement.

  7. Select the Next button.
  8. Select the Install button.
    The selected software begins to install.
  9. Select the Finish button to close the Geo SCADA Expert Setup Wizard.

If you have installed the port server and need to use dynamically assigned ports, proceed to Create the Channels in the Database. You will need to use dynamically assigned ports if you are going to use the port server to allow Geo SCADA Expert to have exclusive access to a remote computer's serial ports. You will also need to use dynamically assigned ports when using the modem sharing and port sharing features.

If you have installed the port server and need to use a statically assigned port, proceed to Configure a Static Serial Port. You will need to use a statically assigned port if you are going to use the port server to allow Geo SCADA Expert and other external applications to have access to a remote computer's serial ports.

The port server can use a mixture of static and dynamic ports if required.

Further Information

For more information about using the Custom Setup 'page' of the Installation Wizard, see Custom Setup.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021