
The Privileges category provides status information about the server-wide user permissions that apply to the server. This section applies regardless of the type of server (Main, Standby, and so on).

With most types of server, you use the Permission Restrictions section of the Server Configuration Tool to configure the server-wide user permissions (see Define Whether any Permissions are Restricted).

A Permanent Standby server can be configured to inherit its server-wide user permissions settings from the Main server (see Specify Whether a Permanent Standby Server Inherits its Permission Restriction Settings). When a Permanent Standby server inherits its server-wide user permissions settings, the configuration shown in the Permanent Standby server's Permission Restrictions section is ignored. Instead, the Permanent Standby server inherits its Permission Restrictions from the Permanent Standby Permission Restrictions settings that are configured on the Main server (see Permanent Standby Permission Restrictions Tab).

The status information for each Privilege is categorized under these headings:

In addition to server-wide permission restrictions, database access is typically further restricted on a per User Group and/or per User Account basis (see Overview of User Account Security, and see Allocating Security Permissions). Users can only access features for which their User Accounts provide sufficient permissions and that are not restricted via the server's Permission Restriction settings.

Further Information

Define Whether any Permissions are Restricted.

For information about the privileges (permissions) themselves, see Permissions for Database Items.


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