Server to Client Link Problems

A high load on the Geo SCADA Expert server can be caused by a problem with a server to client link. Each of these links is referred to as a server advise, and they allow a server to send data to the clients.

To detect and attempt to resolve a problem with a server to client link:

  1. Run the Server Status Tool.
  2. Expand the system, then expand the Server folder and select the Advises category.
  3. Use the Advises information to determine whether there are connection problems for data transfer from the server to the clients:
    • Examine the Status entry and Evt Pend entry for each advise.

      When the server is communicating with the clients as expected, the Status entry for the server advise is — and the Evt Pend is 0. If either of these statuses change to another value for an extended amount of time (i.e. they do not change when the clients are supposed to have refreshed), there may be a communications problem.

      If you suspect that there is a problem with a server advise, proceed to step 4.

      If the server advises appear to be working correctly, please refer back to Diagnose and Resolve the Server Load Problems.

      The Status and Evt Pend may change for a short period when there are no communication problems. They should revert to the expected statuses when the clients are updated.

  4. If you suspect that there is a problem with the server advise:
    1. Examine the Backoff entry. If it is any value other than 0, there may be network conditions that are stopping the server from connecting with the client. Please re-establish your network.

      If the network is functioning correctly or re-establishing the network does not reduce the high server load, proceed to the next step.

      If the network is not functioning correctly, you need to contact your network administrator. The network may be structured inappropriately or may have bad connections.

    2. Restart the client(s) to which the server is connected.

      If restarting the client(s) does not reduce the high server load, please contact Schneider Electric for assistance.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021