Operational Limitations - Geo SCADA Expert Server

We recommend that your Geo SCADA Expert system complies with the following operational limits:

Parameter Limit Notes

Maximum number of objects (database items)

1,000,000 Objects


Maximum burst rate of non-historic updates

10,000 per second


Maximum burst rate of historic data updates

1,000 per second


Maximum burst rate of alarms and events

500 per second


Maximum sustained rate of historic data updates per point

4 per minute

Exceeding these limits will create historic files in excess of 1.3MB (the maximum recommended historic data file size for standard hardware). This limit can be exceeded provided that care is taken when selecting appropriate hardware and communication links.

Maximum sustained rate of events per journal section (256 Objects)

6,825 per hour

Exceeding these limits will create historic files in excess of 5MB (the maximum recommended Event Journal file size for standard hardware). This limit can be exceeded provided that care is taken when selecting appropriate hardware and communication links.

Maximum number of historic files

50,000,000 files


Maximum number of historic data records

30,000,000,000 records


Maximum size of a Data Table

100MB If you intend creating a large number of Data Tables, also consider the Data File Cache size and the total size of all of the Data Files (see Data Files Settings in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration).

Maximum number of event records

5,000,000,000 records


Maximum number of alarms

250,000 alarms


Maximum number of ViewX clients or Virtual ViewX clients connecting to the same server


*The maximum number of ViewX clients (including Virtual ViewX) that can connect to a Virtual ViewX server is affected by computer resources (see Virtual ViewX Server Configuration and Performance Guidelines).


Maximum number of Original WebX clients connecting to the same server


Maximum Geo SCADA Expert server to Geo SCADA Expert server link latency


Exceeding this limit can result in the Geo SCADA Expert servers being unable to synchronize correctly, server timeouts and can also cause slow performance.

Minimum Geo SCADA Expert server to Geo SCADA Expert server link bandwidth

Symmetrical 2 Mbit per second

This is the minimum Geo SCADA Expert server-to-server bandwidth for a medium sized system, for example one with up to 5,000 points. Larger systems need correspondingly higher bandwidth and will be dependent on data update rates.

Minimum Virtual ViewX server to Geo SCADA Expert server link bandwidth 1 Gbit Ethernet This limit only applies if the Virtual ViewX server is installed on a separate machine to the Geo SCADA Expert server.

Server class computers and virtual machines (VMs) on server class computers should not be used to run ViewX in a day-to-day operational environment; instead, appropriate client machines should be used. Client machines often have a higher graphics hardware specification than server class computers. This higher graphics specification is required to run ViewX in a day-to-day operational environment, within which users might perform graphics-intensive tasks such as viewing complex Mimics, or working with multiple or floating documents (see Client PC Specifications).

The standard graphics hardware on server class computers and on VMs on server class computers may only be adequate for running ViewX for administrative purposes (such as performing initial system configuration and user account setup).

Further Information

Operational Limitations - Client.

Virtual ViewX Server Requirements.

Virtual ViewX Server Configuration and Performance Guidelines.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021