Virtual ViewX Server Configuration and Performance Guidelines

System performance is affected by many factors. When setting up the Virtual ViewX clients and servers on your system, you should take into account the Virtual ViewX related content in the following topics:

For a table that shows the results of a series of industry-standard system benchmark tests that have been performed on a variety of Virtual ViewX client and server setups, please see the Release Notes for your installation of Geo SCADA Expert.

Before using Virtual ViewX in a 'live' system, we recommend that you perform your own tests using a test system that accurately reflects the real system (including database size and data retrieval frequency). Perform further tests once Virtual ViewX is set up on the real system and whenever further Virtual ViewX clients are added.

You are restricted to having up to a maximum of 5 Geo SCADA Expert displays open simultaneously on a Virtual ViewX client (providing that your User Account provides Multi Document Interface access).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021