Uninstall Virtual ViewX

You can use Windows Control Panel to perform a ‘quick uninstall’ of Virtual ViewX server. This will remove Virtual ViewX server from your computer, but will leave behind some registry settings and files. This process works in a similar way to uninstall procedures for other applications that run in Windows.

To perform a ‘quick’ uninstall of Virtual ViewX server:

  1. Log on to your PC via a Windows user account that has Administrator permissions.
  2. Use Windows Control Panel to access the Uninstall or Change a Program window.

    In Windows 10, use the following procedure:

    1. In the Search field in Windows, enter the following search string: Control Panel.
      The Control Panel is displayed.
    2. Within the Control Panel select the Programs and Features entry.

    For information on how to uninstall a program in other versions of Windows, please refer to your Windows documentation.

  3. Select Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Virtual ViewX Server in the list of programs.
    The options in the menu at the top of the list change and now show an Uninstall option.

    Alternatively, you can right-click on the entry to display a context-sensitive menu.

  4. Select the Uninstall menu option.
    A prompt asks you if you are sure you want to uninstall Virtual ViewX.

  5. Select Yes to proceed with the uninstall process.
    Virtual ViewX is removed from your computer. However, this is a quick uninstall and some Virtual ViewX files and settings will remain in place unless you also perform step 9.
  6. Select Schneider Electric EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Virtual ViewX Manager in the list of programs.
    The options in the menu at the top of the list change and now show an Uninstall option.

    Alternatively, you can right-click on the entry to display a context-sensitive menu.

  7. Select the Uninstall menu option.
    A prompt asks you if you are sure you want to uninstall Virtual ViewX Manager.
  8. Select Yes to proceed with the uninstall process.
    Virtual ViewX Manager is removed from your computer. However, this is a quick uninstall and some Virtual ViewX Manager files and settings will remain in place.
  9. The following files relating to Virtual ViewX remain on the PC even after the uninstallation process is complete. You can leave these files as they do not affect system performance. Alternatively, the 'IISSetup' program can be uninstalled safely. If you are sure that the other files are not used by any other IIS web server applications, you can also uninstall those files.

  10. Once both Virtual ViewX applications have been uninstalled, optionally use Windows Explorer to delete the contents of the following directory (the default location is shown here):
    • C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\Virtual ViewX

    You can also optionally delete the VVXLocalUser account that is created in Windows when Virtual ViewX is installed on the Virtual ViewX server machine. (For more information about this user account, see User Account Created Automatically on the Virtual ViewX Server Machine.)

Uninstalling the Virtual ViewX and Virtual ViewX Manager applications does not remove the Geo SCADA Expert settings in IIS. Refer to your IIS administrator to remove the settings from IIS.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021