Base a TrendSpec Definition on the Definition of Another Ad Hoc Trend

You can base a TrendSpec definition on the definition of a ‘standard’ or ‘custom’ ad hoc Trend.

To base a definition on a ‘standard’ ad hoc Trend:

  1. Use the Display Current Trend or Display Historic Trend pick action to display the ad hoc Trend for a suitable point in the database.
  2. If required, ‘customize’ the ad hoc Trend by displaying the Trend in Design mode and editing the Trend’s attributes and/or adding further traces (see Display a Trend in Design Mode).
  3. Select the Edit tab on the ViewX ribbon.
  4. Select the Copy Shortcut option.
    The ad hoc Trend’s definition is copied to Microsoft® Windows’ temporary storage ‘clipboard’.
  5. Paste the content of the clipboard into a suitable location in Geo SCADA Expert, or into a suitable application, as required.


    For example, you might want to paste the content:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021