Mandatory Values

The Section Identifiers that are nested within the TREND section identifier have to each contain a mandatory value. The TRACE section has to contain two mandatory values. The syntax for each mandatory identifier value merely comprises the required value; the syntax for a string mandatory value comprises the required string, enclosed in single straight quotation marks, ' '.

The topics in this section explain those mandatory values. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

If required, you can optionally include further values after the mandatory values (see Optional Values). In each case, the mandatory value(s) have to be specified before any optional value(s). The syntax for optional values differs to that of the mandatory values. The exact syntax varies, depending on the type of optional value (see Optional Value Types and Assignments).

Mandatory and optional values that comprise strings or expressions that reference items in the Geo SCADA Expert database are case sensitive. Section and other identifiers are case insensitive.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021