Supported Versions of Wonderware Historian

You use this driver to export Geo SCADA Expert historic data to a Wonderware Historian On-Premise server or to AVEVA Insight (formerly Wonderware Online).

The earliest version of Wonderware Historian with which the driver is compatible is Wonderware Historian 2014 R2 SP1 Patch 02.

Except where stated otherwise for specific features, this driver supports functionality that is available in Wonderware Historian up to and including the following version:

Wonderware Historian 2017 Update 3

The Wonderware Historian driver provided with Geo SCADA Expert is designed to be forward compatible, so should also be able to interface with later versions of Wonderware Historian.

The RenameTag method is supported by Wonderware Historian only, from the following version onwards: Wonderware Historian 2017 Update 2 with hotfix CR L00149314. (It is not supported by AVEVA Insight (formerly Wonderware Online).)

Further Information

Upgrade Guidelines.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021