Upgrade Guidelines



Before installing any software updates, check the Release Notes and Technology Matrix website for the software update to confirm version compatibility and determine which software versions support the functionality that you intend using.
For example, the minimum version of Wonderware Historian server software that the Wonderware Historian driver in Geo SCADA Expert is backward compatible with is Wonderware Historian 2014 R2 SP1 Patch 02.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in inoperable equipment.

Some software updates might require you to upgrade both Wonderware Historian and Geo SCADA Expert. This procedure indicates the order in which you should perform such an upgrade.

To upgrade both your existing Wonderware Historian and Geo SCADA Expert installations:

  1. Make a backup of the Geo SCADA Expert database, obtain the update files and check the release notes and Technology Matrix website (which requires a logon).
  2. Shut down Wonderware Historian, install the Wonderware Historian software updates, and then restart Wonderware Historian. Repeat the process for any other Wonderware Historian servers in your system.
  3. Shut down the Geo SCADA Expert server, install the Geo SCADA Expert software updates, and then restart the server. Repeat the process for any other Geo SCADA Expert servers.
  4. Upgrade your Geo SCADA Expert clients.

For more comprehensive information about upgrading Geo SCADA Expert, see the following branch of topics in the Geo SCADA Expert Installation Guide: Upgrading Geo SCADA Expert.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021