Define Whether Geo SCADA Expert Logs Authentication and Key Change Information

Geo SCADA Expert can log information about both successful and unsuccessful authentications and Session Key Changes.

Use the field(s) within the Alarm/Event Logging section of the DNP3 Outstation Form’s Security tab to define the priority that Geo SCADA Expert assigns to the authentication and key change information that it logs for this particular outstation.


Use this combo box to specify the priority that is assigned to the alarms and events that Geo SCADA Expert logs in relation to authentications and Session Key Changes.

Geo SCADA Expert assigns this priority to the:

(The None setting will result in Geo SCADA Expert not logging any messages related to successful and unsuccessful authentications. For this reason, we recommend that you do not choose None for the Severity setting.)

For further information, see Defining Severities.

To help protect against ‘denial of service’ attacks, the outstation will transmit only a limited number of authentication error messages before ceasing to report any authentication errors. If the outstation supports and communicates with multiple DNP3 masters, it will pass any authentication error messages onto each of its DNP3 masters. This means that all of the DNP3 masters are made aware of a possible security attack. Each authentication error message includes an ‘Association ID’, which indicates the DNP3 master with which the error is associated. Consult the outstation’s setup to ascertain the master to which an ‘Association ID’ relates.

Area of Interest

If the Area of Interest feature is enabled on your system, an Area of Interest field is displayed within the Alarm/Event Logging section of the tab. Use the field to specify the area of interest with which any authentication and Session Key Change alarms and events are associated (see Assign a Different Area of Interest to an Item’s Alarms and Events).

For further information on the Area of Interest feature, see Restrict Alarm and Event Access to Specific Areas of Interest.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022