Add and Configure the Entries in a DNP Route Table

To add entries to a DNP Route Table, you need to Display the Table. If the table has insufficient rows, you will need to Specify the Table Size.

When adding entries to a DNP Route Table, you should take into account that the SCADAPack E outstation scans the table entries from top to bottom and stops at the first matching entry (see Route DNP3 Frames Using a DNP Route Table). As such, it is more efficient to add the most frequently used routes first, followed by less frequently used routes.

Geo SCADA Expert automatically allocates a unique Index number to each entry in a DNP Route Table. For each entry in the table, you need to specify:

Use the DNP Route Table field on the DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstation Form’s SCADAPack tab to associate the table with a particular outstation (see Configure the DNP Route Table and Modem Authentication Properties).


Geo SCADA Expert 2022