Calculation Points

Calculation Points are a special type of internal point that you can use to perform simple calculations on data in the ClearSCADA database. ClearSCADA derives a value for a Calculation Point by evaluating an expression. An expression is a combination of references to database items (tags), symbols and operators. The expression can include conditions as well as arithmetic and logical functions.

Internal points together with Logic functions can be used to perform calculations in a similar way to Calculation points, but are used for more complex calculations.

ClearSCADA supports four types of Calculation Point:

You can specify when Calculation points should evaluate expressions:

Further Information

Configuring and Working with Calculation Points

Expressions: see Welcome to the Guide to Expressions in the ClearSCADA Guide to Expressions.

Internal Points:see Internal Points

Tags: see Tags in the ClearSCADA Guide to Expressions.

Configuration point pick actions: see Using Calculation Point Specific Actions.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3