WebX Server Setup Wizard

The Welcome to the Schneider Electric ClearSCADA WebX Server Setup Wizard ‘page’ is the first ‘page’ of the installation wizard. It provides you with information about the version of ClearSCADA you are about to install.

  1. On the Web Setup Wizard 'page' select Next, the installation process begins.

  2. To install WebX Server, you need to review the license agreement and agree to the terms stated.

  3. Please read the End-User License Agreement and select the I acknowledge the terms in the License Agreement option.

    If you do not agree to the stated terms, select I do not acknowledge the terms in the License Agreement. You will be unable to install the WebX Server features and the installation process will end.

  4. Select Next to proceed to the Configure the Website 'page'.

    The Configure the Website 'page' is only displayed on new WebX installations. On upgrades, you are taken directly to the Ready to Install 'page' from the license agreement 'page'.

    The Configure the Website 'page' prompts you to configure the SSL settings for the WebX website.

    HTTP Port

    Enter the port number that you want to associate with the HTTP service hosting the WebX application. You can enter any port number excluding port 80. The default port number is 85.

    SSL Port

    Enter the port number that you want to associate with the HTTPS service hosting the WebX application. You can enter any port number excluding port 80. The default port number is 453.

    SSL Certificate

    This combo box allows you to select the certificate that you want to use for the HTTPS binding on the port you entered. You need to register certificates in the IIS Manager prior to this installation in order for them to be available in the combo box. By default a self-signed certificate, WebXCert, is installed on the system.

    If you want to install a Certificate later you need to use the IIS Manager. Refer to your System Administrator for more information about adding Certificates and using IIS Manager.

  5. Select Next to proceed to the Configure the Server 'page'.

    The Configure the Server 'page' is only displayed on new WebX installations. On upgrades, you are taken directly to the Ready to Install 'page' from the license agreement 'page'.

    The Configure the Server 'page' allows you to change the default website:

    Disable "Default Website"?

    Select the check box to disable the default website installed with IIS to free port 80 for ClearSCADA.

    Clear the check box if you require the default website installed with IIS to appear.

  6. Select 'Install' to proceed to the Ready to Install 'page'.

  7. When you have reviewed the settings shown on the Ready to Install 'page', select the Install button to start the installation process.

  8. When the installation is complete, the Finish ‘page’ is displayed.

  9. Select Finish to complete the installation procedure.

Having installed the WebX server, you will need to set up connections, licenses, and so on. For information on how to do this, see Display the WebX System Configuration Applet in the ClearSCADA Guide to WebX System Configuration.

Further Information

For details about the configuration of certificates for WebX and other server settings that apply to WebX, see WebX Server Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3