Points Used on NTP Monitor Scanners

For each item of NTP data that you want Geo SCADA Expert to monitor, you need to configure one point of the appropriate type in the Geo SCADA Expert database. NTP Monitor Scanners support these NTP Monitor point types:

You configure each point that you require using the appropriate NTP Monitor Point Form (for example, the NTP Monitor Analog Point Form).

Each Form has several tabs.

Use the fields on the NTP Monitor tab to Configure the NTP Monitor Point Properties.

Use the fields on the <Point Type> tab (for example, the Digital Point tab) to configure the point states or limits, trend and format properties, and so on. The fields on the <Point Type> tab are common to points on many drivers—see the appropriate section in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration.

For information on the fields on other tabs, see Tabs on Point Forms in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Simple Drivers.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020