Modbus Function Codes Supported by the Geo SCADA Expert SCADAPack Modbus Driver

The Geo SCADA Expert SCADAPack Modbus Driver supports several Modbus function codes, enabling it to read and write data on SCADAPack devices. The standard function codes that the Geo SCADA Expert SCADAPack Modbus Driver supports are the same as those that are supported by its 'parent' Advanced Modbus driver (see Modbus Function Codes Supported by the Geo SCADA Expert Advanced Modbus Driver in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Advanced Modbus Driver):

For information on the controller address ranges that apply to the different types of Modbus data, see SCADAPack Point Addressing.

In addition to the above standard function codes, the Geo SCADA Expert SCADAPack Modbus Driver also supports a number of proprietary function codes. These codes are used with SCADAPack controllers.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020