Alarm Limits
Use the fields within the Alarm Limits section of the Analog Point tab to specify the properties that are associated with a SCADAPack x70 Analog point's limits.
The analog point inherits its Enabled settings and Limit values from the SCADAPack x70 Analog Configuration item with which it is associated (see Configure the SCADAPack x70 Device's Alarm Limits Settings, and see Configure the Out Of Range Limits). (If you have not re-opened this configuration Form since using the Form's SCADAPack x70 Object field to associate this Point with the relevant Configuration item, you may need to refresh the Form in order for these fields to display their inherited values. Likewise, if the inherited values are changed on that Configuration item's Form while this Point Form remains open, you might also need to refresh this Form to display the updated inherited values. To do this, save the configuration changes.) The Enabled column indicates which Alarm Limits are enabled on the associated Configuration item. If an Alarm Limit is not enabled on the Configuration item, the associated fields are grayed out. An Alarm Limit is only enabled when the associated RTU Event on the Configuration item is set to an option other than 'Disabled' (see Configure the SCADAPack x70 Device's Alarm Limits Settings).
The Limit values that are shown in the Alarm Limits section are specified in engineering unit (floating point) values. The values take into account any Master Station Scaling (see Specify the Scaling Applied by Geo SCADA Expert). Geo SCADA Expert applies the defined Multiplier and Offset to the Limit values from the Configuration item and then displays the resulting values in the Limits column on the analog point's Analog Point tab. If need be, you can see how these values correspond to the point's raw values by scrolling to the Scaling and SCADAPack Scaling sections of this tab. Again, these values are inherited from the SCADAPack x70 Analog Configuration item with which the analog point is associated (see Specify the SCADAPack x70 Device's Point Scaling).
The other Alarm Limit fields are common to various types of analog point. For more information, see Configure the Limits for an Analog Point in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration.
For information about the properties that appear towards the bottom of the Alarm Limits section, select the relevant links below:
- Engineering Units Exceeded—Use this check box to specify how Geo SCADA Expert processes the analog point's value when that value is overrange or underrange (see Define how Over Range and Under Range Values are Processed).
- Out of Range Check—Use to Specify how the Driver Determines whether a Reported Value is Out of Range.
- Tune Limits—Use to Define whether an Analog Point’s Limits can be Tuned.
- Area of Interest—This field is only displayed if the Area of Interest feature is enabled on your system. Use the field to specify the Area of Interest with which any state-related point alarms or events are to be associated (see Specify the Area of Interest Associated with a Point’s State-Related Alarms and Events).
Further Information