SCADAPack x70

Common Properties on Points used for DNP3 Communications

The following properties appear at the top of the <Point Type> tab on the Forms of SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Points:

Further Information

Common Properties on Pulse Actions used for DNP3 Communications: see Configure the Properties on the Pulse Action Tab.

Multiplier field (displayed only on SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Counter Point Forms): see Configure the Multiplier Value in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the DNP3 Driver. (The property functions in the same way as the Multiplier property on Counter Points on the parent DNP3 driver.)

Format field (displayed only on SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Binary Point Forms): see Define the Format of a Digital Point’s Values in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020