SCADAPack x70

Specify Whether the SCADAPack x70 Device is to Detect if an Analog has Stopped Changing

The SCADAPack x70 tab on the Forms of SCADAPack x70 Analog Configuration items contains a No Change section. Use the section to specify whether the SCADAPack x70 device is to detect whether an analog's value that is expected to change is remaining static. When enabled to do so, the device compares the current engineering value of the analog with its value at the start of the calculation period and calculates the change percentage. It performs the calculation whenever the analog's current engineering value changes.

The properties in this section only apply if the analog is associated with a T_SPx70_ADV_ANALOG SCADAPack x70 logic variable (see Specify any SCADAPack x70 Logic Requirements).

The Expected Change field is 'grayed out' and unavailable for use if the Period is set to 0. Such a time period disables the feature and indicates that 'No Change' detection is not to be performed.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020