SCADAPack x70

Understand the Database Classes that are Associated with this Driver

The Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Database explains the database structure - the collection of tables and classes that contain information about all of the items in the database. You need to understand the database structure in order to navigate your way around the Database Schema. You might need to use the Schema to ascertain the names of fields, methods, aggregates, alarm conditions, and so on, when performing tasks such as animating Mimics, creating reports, or using external applications to access the database.

The database structure that is described in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Database applies to the SCADAPack x70 driver. However, with this driver you typically use an 'object-pair' of database items to represent a SCADAPack x70 device, input or output:

As with other items in the Geo SCADA Expert database, the hierarchy of the driver's creatable classes in the Database Schema mirrors that of the driver's entries in the Create New menu in ViewX:

With the SCADAPack x70 driver:

The classes for both SCADAPack x70 configuration items and protocol-specific items are derived from the CDBObject base class, which has a Methods section. However, that Methods section purely contains methods that apply to all items in the database. For example, the CheckAccess method that can be used to check whether a user has a specific permission for a database item.

You navigate the information in each class in the Database Schema as you would for any database items in Geo SCADA Expert (see Display Information about a Creatable Class in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Database).


Geo SCADA Expert 2020